where i've been...

My travel map

Monday, October 6, 2008

the good news...

...is that I found one of the pairs of missing headphones. And surprisingly it was the pair I was convinced I had left on the plane. Who knows where the other pair is though...only time will tell. Also, we have THREE more LAN flights...so we have a lot to look forward to in the airline travel department. I can't wait to play interactive battleship with Rahima again...and this time maybe I will actually beat her.
We lived through the 22 hour bus ride with seats that reclined 150 degrees. As I remember from another long latin american bus experience...they seem to turn off all sources of heat in the middle of the night, so it got COLD. I woke up about 6am and the entire windshield (on the second story where we were seated in the front, with a panoramic view obstructed only by the HUGE advertisement for their bus company painted in front of our eyes) was covered in ice. My small bag had actually frozen to the windshield. It was crazy...and did I mention, cold? But we made it through and arrived here in Cuzco. Today we are off on another adventure to get to Aguas Calientes, the little town outside of Machu Pichu. I can't wait. We are in a great hostel with hot water and lots of fun people, so things really have been easy so far. We are slowly compiling a list of things you have to love about Latin America, such as...
1 just because it is in a refrigerator does not mean it is cold
2 every job requires a uniform, even if the job itself requires no work at all
3 Halls coughdrops are considered candy, or the mint after a meal
4 taxi drivers NEVER have change

I'll update it as our journey continues...remember this is only day 5!


Shelly said...

Halls cough drops as candy... well I don't know about other people, but Luden's Cherry cough drops, now those are like candy.

So glad you found your headphones b/c there's plenty of music to be listened too, especially during a 22 hour bus ride :)

maria rosa said...

guess what? not a cab driver in south america has change. It's a latin thing.
maria rosa